July 15, 2008

Packet Tracer 5.0 – Unofficial release date

From some sources I’ve got an information that the new Packet Tracer 5.0 is planed to be officially released on Academy Connection on 28th of July 2008.


So on July 28th, be ready to find a new download icon on the left navigation toolbar on your academy connection site to download the final version of PT 5.0.


If you want to know more about new features in PT 5.0, read my previous post.


  1. That's great i hope they fix all the major bugs, and that new splash screen is also great ;). I can't wait to try it out.

  2. Thanks for your valuable news.Many many thanks.

  3. will the pt portal be active too?

  4. Hi, is there something new about release date? I have still no v5.0 available in my acad conn. and 28.07.'08 is today.

  5. @VaWA: The PT developers have found two critical bugs just few days ago. It seems that both bugs are at the core level of the application and the first idea was to release PT5.0 only after a new beta testing in October.
    As far as I know, currently there was a decision to release PT 5.0 anyway, with those two bugs that will be well documented in the release notes and they will be fixed in the next maintenance vesion (pt5.0.1) that is scheduled to be released in December.
    So we just have to wait for a final release date :-) I hope it will come in the next few days.

    @harry2110: There was no information about publishing the PT portal to public yet :( Anyway, I hope it will get available too with PT5.0!

  6. Thank you fellow for info. And btw. please do you know some other software (okrem PacketTracer a NetSim) for simulating switches? Or is there an emulator of them like dynamips for routers or pemu for pixes?

  7. @VaWa: You can use Dynamips with a "NM-16ESW" network module that implements a 16 port switch. Then you will be able to test also switching labs.
    btw: Where are you from? :-)

  8. Dik za info, na ten modul som uplne zabudol. Parada. Sice ios based issues na tom neodcvicim, ale na bezne switchovacie zalezitosti to bude aj tak o hodne ralistickejsie ako na simulatoroch.
    A odkial som? Nuz momentalne z BA (koly praci) ;-)
